WA 98272
PHONE: 360.805.5300
HOURS: 10:00AM - 6:00PM

Tuataras: Order Sphenodonta: 2 species
Includes: only two species of Tuatara
Number of Species: 2
Range: found on certain islands off the coast of New Zealand
Habitat: Terrestrial
Stout-bodied lizard like reptiles with large head and thick tails
Tuataras lack a tympanum.
They often reach lengths of 66 cm (26 inches) or less.
Adult tuataras forage mostly at night when temperatures usually range between 53.6 to 60.8 degrees F.
They bask at burrow entrances during warm summer months.
Tuataras eat insects, skinks, geckos, and occasionally seabirds.
They live in burrows often shared with sea birds called petrels.
They have a well-developed parietal eye on top of their heads which has a retina, lens, and nervous connections to brain.
Sexual maturity usually reached by tuataras at close to 20 years of age.
Females produce clutches on average every 4 years.
Development of their young can take 11 to 16 months at temps from 64 to 72 degrees F (lowest temperatures for known living reptiles).
Introduced rats to islands prey on tuatara eggs and juveniles.
Fun facts:
They are very slow growing.
The longest lived tuatara was 77 years when it passed away.
Information/ Care Sheets